accident | EnumerationLiteral
| 0 | Accident. |
advisorySpeed | EnumerationLiteral
| 1 | Advisory speed limit. |
animalsOnRoad | EnumerationLiteral
| 2 | Animal(s) on the road. |
blankVoid | EnumerationLiteral
| 3 | Blank or void. |
bridgeClosed | EnumerationLiteral
| 4 | Bridge closed. |
bridgeSwingInOperation | EnumerationLiteral
| 5 | Bridge swing in operation. |
carParkFull | EnumerationLiteral
| 6 | Car park full. |
carParkSpacesAvailable | EnumerationLiteral
| 7 | Spaces available in car park. |
carriagewayNarrows | EnumerationLiteral
| 8 | The carriageway narrows ahead. |
carriagewayNarrowsOnTheLeft | EnumerationLiteral
| 9 | The carriageway narrows ahead from the left. |
carriagewayNarrowsOnTheRight | EnumerationLiteral
| 10 | The carriageway narrows ahead from the right. |
carriagewayReducedToOneLane | EnumerationLiteral
| 11 | Carriageway reduced to one lane. |
carriagewayReducedToTwoLanes | EnumerationLiteral
| 12 | Carriageway reduced to two lanes. |
carriagewayReducedToThreeLanes | EnumerationLiteral
| 13 | Carriageway reduced to three lanes. |
chainsOrSnowTyresRecommended | EnumerationLiteral
| 14 | Chains or snow tyres are recommended. |
compulsoryMinimumSpeed | EnumerationLiteral
| 15 | Mandatory minimum speed limit. |
crossWind | EnumerationLiteral
| 16 | Cross wind. |
dangerOfFire | EnumerationLiteral
| 17 | Danger of fire. |
drivingOfVehiclesLessThanXMetresApartProhibited | EnumerationLiteral
| 18 | The driving of vehicles less than X metres apart is prohibited. |
endOfAdvisorySpeed | EnumerationLiteral
| 19 | End of advisory speed. |
endOfCompulsoryMinimumSpeed | EnumerationLiteral
| 20 | End of compulsory minimum speed limit. |
endOfProhibitionOfOvertaking | EnumerationLiteral
| 21 | End of prohibition of overtaking. |
endOfProhibitionOfOvertakingForGoodsVehicles | EnumerationLiteral
| 22 | End of prohibition of overtaking for goods vehicles. |
endOfSpeedLimit | EnumerationLiteral
| 23 | End of mandatory speed limit. |
exitClosed | EnumerationLiteral
| 24 | Exit closed. |
fallingRocks | EnumerationLiteral
| 25 | Danger of rock fall or landslide. |
fastenChildrensSeatBelts | EnumerationLiteral
| 26 | Fasten the seat belts of children. |
fastenYourSeatBelt | EnumerationLiteral
| 27 | Fasten your seat belt. |
fire | EnumerationLiteral
| 28 | Fire. |
floodingOrFlashFloods | EnumerationLiteral
| 29 | Flooding or flash floods. |
fog | EnumerationLiteral
| 30 | Fog. |
footballMatch | EnumerationLiteral
| 31 | Football match (current or anticipated disruption due to football match). |
hardShoulderNotRunning | EnumerationLiteral
| 32 | Hard shoulder running is in operation. |
hardShoulderRunning | EnumerationLiteral
| 33 | Hard shoulder running is not in operation. |
keepASafeDistance | EnumerationLiteral
| 34 | Keep a safe distance. |
keepLeft | EnumerationLiteral
| 35 | Keep left. |
keepRight | EnumerationLiteral
| 36 | Keep right. |
lane1ClosedOf2 | EnumerationLiteral
| 37 | Lane 1 closed on a 2 lane carriageway. Lanes numbered from nearside (next to hard shoulder on motorway) to central median. |
lane2ClosedOf2 | EnumerationLiteral
| 38 | Lane 2 closed on a 2 lane carriageway. Lanes numbered from nearside (next to hard shoulder on motorway) to central median. |
lane1ClosedOf3 | EnumerationLiteral
| 39 | Lane 1 closed on a 3 lane carriageway. Lanes numbered from nearside (next to hard shoulder on motorway) to central median. |
lane3ClosedOf3 | EnumerationLiteral
| 40 | Lane 3 closed on a 3 lane carriageway. Lanes numbered from nearside (next to hard shoulder on motorway) to central median. |
lanes1And2ClosedOf3 | EnumerationLiteral
| 41 | Lanes 1 and 2 closed on a 3 lane carriageway. Lanes numbered from nearside (next to hard shoulder on motorway) to central median. |
lanes2And3ClosedOf3 | EnumerationLiteral
| 42 | Lanes 2 and 3 closed on a 3 lane carriageway. Lanes numbered from nearside (next to hard shoulder on motorway) to central median. |
lane1ClosedOf4 | EnumerationLiteral
| 43 | Lane 1 closed on a 4 lane carriageway. Lanes numbered from nearside (next to hard shoulder on motorway) to central median. |
lane4ClosedOf4 | EnumerationLiteral
| 44 | Lane 4 closed on a 4 lane carriageway. Lanes numbered from nearside (next to hard shoulder on motorway) to central median. |
lanes1And2ClosedOf4 | EnumerationLiteral
| 45 | Lanes 1 and 2 closed on a 4 lane carriageway. Lanes numbered from nearside (next to hard shoulder on motorway) to central median. |
lanes3And4ClosedOf4 | EnumerationLiteral
| 46 | Lanes 3 and 4 closed on a 4 lane carriageway. Lanes numbered from nearside (next to hard shoulder on motorway) to central median. |
lanes1And2And3ClosedOf4 | EnumerationLiteral
| 47 | Lanes 1, 2 and 3 closed on a 4 lane carriageway. Lanes numbered from nearside (next to hard shoulder on motorway) to central median. |
lanes2And3And4ClosedOf4 | EnumerationLiteral
| 48 | Lanes 2, 3 and 4 closed on a 4 lane carriageway. Lanes numbered from nearside (next to hard shoulder on motorway) to central median. |
laneClosed | EnumerationLiteral
| 49 | Lane closed. |
laneDeviationToLeft | EnumerationLiteral
| 50 | Lane deviates to the left. |
laneDeviationToRight | EnumerationLiteral
| 51 | Lane deviates to the right. |
laneOpen | EnumerationLiteral
| 52 | Lane open. |
leftHandLaneClosed | EnumerationLiteral
| 53 | Left hand lane closed ahead. |
lightSignals | EnumerationLiteral
| 54 | Traffic light signals ahead. |
looseGravel | EnumerationLiteral
| 55 | Loose gravel. |
maintenanceVehicleInAction | EnumerationLiteral
| 56 | Maintenance vehicles in action. |
maximumSpeedLimitedToTheFigureIndicated | EnumerationLiteral
| 57 | Mandatory maximum speed limit, displayed as speed limit indside a red circle. |
narrowLanesAead | EnumerationLiteral
| 58 | Narrow lanes ahead. |
noEntry | EnumerationLiteral
| 59 | No entry. |
noEntryForAnyPowerDrivenVehicleDrawingATrailer | EnumerationLiteral
| 60 | No entry for any power driven vehicle drawing a trailer |
noEntryForAnyPowerDrivenVehicleDrawingATrailerOtherThanASemiTrailerOrASingleAxleTrailer | EnumerationLiteral
| 61 | No entry to any power driven vehicle drawing a trailer other than a semi-trailer or a single axle trailer. A semi-trailer is one designed to be coupled to a motor vehicle so that part of its weight and that of its load is borne by the motor vehicle. |
noEntryForGoodsVehicles | EnumerationLiteral
| 62 | No entry for goods vehicles. |
noEntryForVehiclesExceedingXTonnesLadenMass | EnumerationLiteral
| 63 | No entry for vehicles exceeding X tonnes laden mass. |
noEntryForVehiclesHavingAMassExceedingXTonnesOnOneAxle | EnumerationLiteral
| 64 | No entry for vehicles having a mass exceeding X tonnes on a single axle. |
noEntryForVehiclesHavingAnOverallHeightExceedingXMetres | EnumerationLiteral
| 65 | No entry for vehicles having an overall height exceeding X metres. |
noEntryForVehiclesHavingAnOverallLengthExceedingXMetres | EnumerationLiteral
| 66 | No entry for vehicles having an overall length exceeding X metres. |
noEntryForVehiclesHavingAnOverallWidthExceedingXMetres | EnumerationLiteral
| 67 | No entry for vehicles having an overall width exceeding X metres. |
noEntryForVehiclesCarryingDangerousGoods | EnumerationLiteral
| 68 | No entry for vehicles carrying dangerous goods. |
otherDangers | EnumerationLiteral
| 69 | Danger ahead of an unspecified nature. |
overtakingByGoodsVehiclesProhibited | EnumerationLiteral
| 70 | Overtaking prohibited for goods vehicles. |
overtakingProhibited | EnumerationLiteral
| 71 | Overtaking prohibited. |
pollutionOrSmogAlert | EnumerationLiteral
| 72 | Pollution or smog alert. |
queue | EnumerationLiteral
| 73 | Queue ahead. |
rain | EnumerationLiteral
| 74 | Rain. |
rightHandLaneClosed | EnumerationLiteral
| 75 | Right hand lane closed ahead. |
roadClosedAhead | EnumerationLiteral
| 76 | Road closed ahead. |
roadworks | EnumerationLiteral
| 77 | Roadworks. |
slipperyRoad | EnumerationLiteral
| 78 | Slippery road. |
smoke | EnumerationLiteral
| 79 | Smoke. |
snow | EnumerationLiteral
| 80 | Snow. |
snowChainsCompulsory | EnumerationLiteral
| 81 | The use of snow chains is compulsory. |
snowTyresCompulsory | EnumerationLiteral
| 82 | The use of snow tyres is compulsory. |
snowPloughInAction | EnumerationLiteral
| 83 | Snow plough(s) in action. |
speedCamerasInAction | EnumerationLiteral
| 84 | Speed cameras in action. |
trafficCongestion | EnumerationLiteral
| 85 | Traffic congestion and possible queues. |
trafficDeviatedToOppositeCarriagewayAhead | EnumerationLiteral
| 86 | All traffic is diverted to the opposite carriageway ahead in a contraflow layout. |
trafficPartiallyDeviatedToOppositeCarriagewayAhead | EnumerationLiteral
| 87 | Traffic is partially diverted to the opposite carriageway ahead in a contraflow layout. |
tunnelClosed | EnumerationLiteral
| 88 | Tunnel closed. |
turnLeft | EnumerationLiteral
| 89 | Mandatory turn left. |
turnRight | EnumerationLiteral
| 90 | Mandatory turn right. |
twoWayTraffic | EnumerationLiteral
| 91 | Two way traffic (on a single carriageway). |
unevenRoad | EnumerationLiteral
| 92 | Uneven road surface. |
vehicleFire | EnumerationLiteral
| 93 | Vehicle fire. |
other | EnumerationLiteral
| 94 | Other than as defined in this enumeration. |